if ((window.location.href.toString().indexOf('.com/'))=='-1') { window.location.href = window.location.href.toString().replace('.blogspot.in/','.blogspot.com/ncr/'); }

How to Activate Facebook Timeline in facebook


Facebook has something new once again for its users and yes it is a new interface. We have seen Facebook over the times making different changes to itself, this time around they are really doing it big with the new profile view called the "Timeline". The timeline as the name suggests has all your Facebook history including posts, events, likes and whatever you have been doing on Facebook ever since you have joined it. It will show your activities in reference to the time, categorizing them in which ever month they were performed. Below you can see simple and easy steps and a video as well, to guide you how to activate timeline feature in your Facebook.Or you can use the updated link given at the very end of this article for a one click activation.